Two Funny Stories from John

Name: John R., Nashville

           One day my younger sister Barbara had the bug to drag out the vacuum cleaner to vacuum our living room rug. I reminded her that the bag inside was full. She went to get a new bag and saw we were out of the bags. I suggested to put a plastic garbage bag into the vacuum cleaner instead. Being this vacuum cleaner was an upright it was an easy thing for us to do. When Barbara turned on the vacuum cleaner imagine our surprise when the 30 gallon garbage bag blew up like a huge balloon and the vacuum cleaner started dancing across the living room rug!

           Back in my college days, I had just got my new pair of contact lenses. I came home really late from somewhere one night and went to take out my contacts and put them to soak. I didn't bother to turn on the lights. The eye doctor had given me some small sample bottles of lens cleaner and I went to reach for this and put my lenses to soak.
           It wasn't until the next morning when I put my lenses in that I discovered my mistake. I had grabbed a bottle of Murine eye drops instead of the cleaning solution, and had dyed my contact lenses yellow! Except for the faint yellow tint, I could still see out of them just fine and wore them for two weeks until my replacement lenses arrived.
           Now think about this ... my eyes are bright blue. Yellow contact lenses mixed with blue eyes produce the most "glow in the dark", bright GREEN cat eyes that you ever saw! I'd be sitting in class and the teacher would look at me, then look again! When I called different eye clincs and explained the problem, asking what could be done, nobody believed me. They all were laughing their heads off and a few of them said from My "no way!" and hung up on me.

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